Would you like to drop 6-10 shots or more from your handicap, boost your confidence, and FINALLY take your range game to the course?

Are you tired of playing badly and being frustrated, nervous, having 1000 swing thoughts and choking at the end of a good round?

Are you sick of wasting your time practicing and NOT getting any better and going home disappointed? If yes, then you are probably stuck on one of three things:
1. Your attitude and mindset are critical and negative so you are constantly frustrated.
2. You have no routines in place and you waste TOO MANY shots around the green AND off the tee resulting in too many penalty shots. These are SCORE and CONFIDENCE killers.
3.Most of all, your golf swing is INCONSISTENT and doesn't hold up when you play.
So ask yourself…IS THIS YOU??
If so, are you ready to TAKE ACTION and finally give your game the attention it deserves?
Click the link below to schedule a FREE consultation.
What People Say

Our clients are achieving their goals AND enjoying the game more than ever BECAUSE they are shooting lower scores and having FUN doing it!
Here are 6 of their individual stories:
How much longer can you handle falling short of your expectations?
Making the same mistakes over and over when you play?
Never seeing results or lower scores to match your effort?
You need a PLAN on how you approach the game.
So what can you expect as a client at Golf in the Now?
1. Complete swing analysis with video, Trackman data and drills for improvement

2. Comprehensive short game instruction

3. Mindset and mental systems

4. How to practice efficiently in specific skill areas that lower your scores the fastest! (We use strokes gained for this)

5. How to develop the necessary skills to take your “range game” to the course and see the results you expect !

If you are ready to change how you approach the game:
Click the link below to schedule a FREE consultation at a time convenient for you to talk and see if this approach is a good fit.
You have to take action.
STOP trying to do it alone, searching Instagram for a magic bullet and hoping tomorrow will be the day you “figure it all out”.
Don’t let fear or hesitation get in the way.
Let’s go!

Jim Williams
Golf Coach with 25+ Years of Professional Experience.
Jim Williams has been a golf professional for over 25 years: first playing professionally (1993-1997) and then in 1998, he began instructing full time in Orlando, Florida where he studied under and coached alongside multiple Top 50 instructors. During that time he also played with some of the top PGA Tour players in the world on a regular basis, which gave him unique insights into the highest levels of performance. In 2008 he started his own coaching academy in Nashville, TN moving there with his young family.
Golf in the Now is a culmination of over 25 years of practicing, playing and teaching the game, as well as focused study of the swing, mental performance, bio-mechanics and golf fitness training. Jim’s goal is help each client achieve and even surpass the goals they set for themselves using a personalized coaching program unique to each client. He strives to develop and cultivate in each client a self-belief system that is unwavering, regardless of the “ups and downs” this game brings to us all.
His most recent coaching program “Take it to the Course," is a culmination of the very BEST of his coaching experience and training on how to perform at your peak ON THE COURSE.
Jim also serves as the Varsity and Middle School golf coach at Christ Presbyterian Academy in Nashville. He runs year round coaching and training programs for the players as well.
Jim resides in Franklin, TN with his wife Laura and has 3 sons: JJ, Luke and Patrick.